The construction of a greener, more digital and more resilient Europe is the goal pursued by the NEXT GENERATION EU programme, an exceptional temporary recovery instrument agreed by the European Council in 2020 to articulate a coordinated response with the EU member states to the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is the centerpiece of the programme. Restoring the growth potential of the EU economies, promoting job creation after the crisis and promoting sustainable growth are the goals pursued by the European Union through the implementation of this mechanism.
The RRF is endowed with 723,800 million euros that will be used for loans (385,800 million euros) and transfers (338,000 million euros). Its purpose is to support investment and reforms in Member States in order to achieve a sustainable and resilient recovery, while promoting the EU's green and digital priorities.
At the national level, the Plan for the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience of the Spanish economy foresees, until 2026, the mobilization of up to 140,000 million euros of public investment. The transversal axes around which the policies of the plan are structured are:
- Ecological transition
- Digital transformation
- Social and territorial cohesion
- Gender equality
In line with the objectives of the RRF, Vilagarcía de Arousa Port Authority is going to undertake the work "Ferrazo Railway, phase 3", which has been put out to tender and which will be financed through the Plan for the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience
Vilagarcía Port Authority, as an Organization which benefits from Next Generation Funds, MRR and in accordance with legal obligations related to the management of the aforementioned funds, makes public its Institutional Anti-Fraud Declaration, approved by its Board of Directors
Anti-fraud institutional statement
Vilagarcía Port Authority, as Organization which benefits from Next Generation Funds, MRR and in accordance with legal obligations related to the management of the aforementioned funds, approved on December 28, 2022 its Anti-Fraud Plan.
Anti-fraud plan
DESCRIPTION: Drafting of Ferrazo Railway project phase III.
OBJECTIVE: Sustainability actions
TENDER: 14,900.00 €
AWARD: 14,000.00 €
AWARD DATE: 05/20/2021
CONTRACTOR COMPANY: Ingeniería del Noroeste, S.L.
DESCRIPTION: Risk and operability assessment service for the Ferrazo Railway project phase 3 (ASBO NOBO).
OBJECTIVE: Sustainability actions
TENDER: 14,000.00 €
AWARD: 7,850.00 €
AWARD DATE: 03/30/2022
CONTRACTOR COMPANY: Ricardo Certifiicación Iberia, S.L.