Co-financed projects

Co-financed projects

The construction of a greener, more digital and more resilient Europe is the goal pursued by the NEXT GENERATION EU programme, an exceptional temporary recovery instrument agreed by the European Council in 2020 to articulate a coordinated response with the EU member states to the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is the centerpiece of the programme. Restoring the growth potential of the EU economies, promoting job creation after the crisis and promoting sustainable growth are the goals pursued by the European Union through the implementation of this mechanism.

RRF Funds

The RRF is endowed with 723,800 million euros that will be used for loans (385,800 million euros) and transfers (338,000 million euros). Its purpose is to support investment and reforms in Member States in order to achieve a sustainable and resilient recovery, while promoting the EU's green and digital priorities.

At the national level, the Plan for the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience of the Spanish economy foresees, until 2026, the mobilization of up to 140,000 million euros of public investment. The transversal axes around which the policies of the plan are structured are:

  • Ecological transition
  • Digital transformation
  • Social and territorial cohesion
  • Gender equality

In line with the objectives of the MRR, the Port Authority of Vilagarcía is going to undertake the work “Railway to Ferrazo, phase 3”, which is financed through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, linking to the Resilient Infrastructure and Ecosystems lever policy, and within this to the Safe, Sustainable and Connected Mobility component. 

The Improvement of the Sálvora Lighthouse, and the Rehabilitation of the maritime station at the Passenger Pier, are also financed from these funds. After the section on Management of MRR funds you can consult more detailed information about all these actions. Likewise, in the Works and Projects section of this website there is additional information about them.

Management of MRR funds

Vilagarcía Port Authority, as an Organization which benefits from Next Generation Funds, MRR and in accordance with legal obligations related to the management of the aforementioned funds, makes public its Institutional Anti-Fraud Declaration, approved by its Board of Directors
Anti-fraud institutional statement

Vilagarcía Port Authority, as Organization which benefits from Next Generation Funds, MRR and in accordance with legal obligations related to the management of the aforementioned funds, approved on December 28, 2022 its Anti-Fraud Plan.
Anti-fraud plan

Railway to Ferrazo Phase III project

DESCRIPTION: Drafting of Ferrazo Railway project phase III.

OBJECTIVE: Sustainability actions

TENDER: 14,900.00 €

AWARD: 14,000.00 €

AWARD DATE: 05/20/2021

CONTRACTOR COMPANY: Ingeniería del Noroeste, S.L.


DESCRIPTION: Risk and operability assessment service for the Ferrazo Railway project phase 3 (ASBO NOBO).

OBJECTIVE: Sustainability actions

TENDER: 14,000.00 €

AWARD: 7,850.00 €

AWARD DATE: 03/30/2022

CONTRACTOR COMPANY: Ricardo Certifiicación Iberia, S.L.


Sálvora Lighthouse improvement

In November 2023, the Board of Directors of the Vilagarcía Port Authority gave its approval to the signing of a collaboration agreement between this organization and the Galician Tourism Agency for the improvement of the Sálvora lighthouse.

Under the agreement, the Galician Tourism Agency assumes the drafting of the project, as well as the bidding, management and reception of the works. The execution budget is 1,514,454.86 euros, VAT included.

The project is financed by the European Union-NextGenerationEU, and is linked to the Plan for the Modernization and Competitiveness of the tourism sector, which is one of the components included in the lever policy called Modernization and digitalization of the industrial fabric and SMEs, recovery of tourism and promotion of an entrepreneurial nation Spain. 

The action includes the environmental regeneration and enhancement of the surroundings of the Sálvora Island Lighthouse, the installation of energy efficiency systems, the creation of interactive experiences for visitors and the design and restoration of an establishment for scientific tourism and a Startlight destination.

Comprehensive rehabilitation of the maritime station at the Pasaxeiros dock

In June 2024, the Board of Directors of the Vilagarcía Port Authority gave its approval to the signing of a collaboration agreement between this organization and the Galician Tourism Agency for the comprehensive rehabilitation of the maritime station at the Pasaxeiros dock. 

Under the agreement, the Galician Tourism Agency assumes the drafting of the project, as well as the bidding, management and reception of the works. The works have been awarded to the company Citanias Obras y Servicios S.L.U. The execution period is 12 months and the execution budget is 791,161.16 euros, VAT included.

The project is financed by the European Union-NextGenerationEU, and is linked to the Modernization and Competitiveness Plan of the tourism sector, which is one of the components included in the lever policy called Modernization and digitalization of the industrial fabric and SMEs, recovery of tourism and promotion of an entrepreneurial nation Spain. 

The action involves not only the comprehensive rehabilitation of the property that will serve as a reception center for pilgrims and nautical tourists, but also the demolition of buildings attached to it (warehouse and office area), as well as the existing buildings on the left side of the Pasaxeiros dock - facing the sea - that had not been used for years; In addition, the entire space will be redeveloped.