The port fees are those required for the exclusive use or special use of the port public domain and for the provision of the maritime signage service, as established in article 161 of Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011, of 5 September, which approves the Revised Text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Marine:
T-1: Vessel fee
Applicable to: the use by ships of the waters of the port's service area and of the port facilities that allow for maritime access to the berth or anchorage area assigned to them and stay therein under the conditions that may be established.
T-2: Passenger fee
Applicable to: the use by passengers, by their luggage and, where appropriate, by the vehicles that they may embark or disembark on a passage regime, of the docking facilities, land access ways, traffic lanes and other port facilities.
T-3: Merchandise fee
Applicable to: the use of the docking facilities, handling areas associated with the loading and unloading of the ship, access ways and road and rail overland traffic routes, and other port facilities, due to merchandise entering or leaving the sea, or which are transshipped or carried out via sea or land transit, as well as their transport elements.
T-4: Fresh fish fee
Applicable to: the use by vessel or fishing ships in operation of the port's service area and the port works and facilities that allow for maritime access to the berth or anchorage area assigned to them and stay therein. Also applicable to the docking facilities, handling and sales area, access ways, roads, parking areas and other port facilities by fresh and refrigerated fish and their products, which access the port area by sea, by fishing or merchant ship, or by land.
T-5: Fee for sports and pleasure boats
Applicable to: the use by sports and pleasure boats or vessels in the waters of the port's service area of the provision of services, as well as the facilities that allow for maritime access to the berth or anchorage area assigned to them and stay therein.
T-6: Fee for special use of the transit area
Applicable to: the use of the transit areas, specially enabled as such by the Port Authority, and exceptionally the manoeuvring areas, by the merchandise and transport elements, for the periods established in article 231 of the revised text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Marine. Materials, machinery or equipment duly authorised by the Port Authority which, not being considered merchandise or transport elements, remain in the port's service area for continuous periods of more than 24 hours are also subject to this fee.
Applicable to: The use of the maritime navigation aid service.
Applicable to: the occupation of the port public domain, including overhead and underground elements, by virtue of a concession or authorisation.
Applicable to: the exercise of commercial, industrial and service activities in the public port domain, subject to authorization by the Port Authority.
The payment of the fixed charge for the reception of waste generated by vessels is compulsory for all vessels. Marpol service of reception of waste generated by vessels will be available 24 hours a day, all year round
Port Authorities will require for the commercial services provided on a competitive basis with private entities, the payment of the corresponding charge. The charges to be applied in each Port Authority will be approved by the Board of Directors.
The incentives provided for in article 245.3 of Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011, of September 5, which approves the Consolidated Text of the Law on State Ports and the Merchant Marine, are intended to encourage the acquisition, retention and growth of maritime traffic and services that contribute to the economic and social development of the port's area of economic influence.
Article 182 of the same regulation contemplates unique bonuses, with the aim of promoting the competitiveness of Spanish ports and their adaptation to the conditions existing at all times in international markets.
The bonuses applicable for this year are included in Law 31/2022, of December 23, of General State Budgets for the year 2023.